PLDO Law Blog

Court Decisions |

Courts Start To Weigh In On COVID-19 Lawsuits

Courts Start To Weigh In On COVID-19 Lawsuits

PLDO recently issued an advisory about the forthcoming explosion of lawsuits arising out of the coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, the article addressed the legal concept of “force majeure” and predicted that many businesses will claim that the pandemic prevented...

A “Reasonable Accommodation” Must Be Reasonable

A “Reasonable Accommodation” Must Be Reasonable

For employers determining what constitutes a “reasonable accommodation” can often be a challenge. A very recent decision by a federal court in Connecticut highlights the fact that what constitutes “reasonable” is not without limits, and an employer is not obligated to...


It’s never a good idea to buy an asset, like a boat or plane, in your own name or to have multiple parties on the title. First of all, when your name is on the title, you are personally liable for any damage that the asset may cause. For example, you and Joe own a...