Per the Affordable Care Act, individuals must have health insurance coverage in 2015 or pay a penalty to the IRS of either 2% of income, or $325 per adult ($162.50 per child) - whichever is higher. Middle-income people who are not eligible for coverage through their...
PLDO Law Blog
Firm News
Stock Fraud “Pump and Dump” Schemes Don’t Just Happen in the Movies
The critically acclaimed movie, "The Wolf of Wall Street," directed by Martin scorsese and released in 2013, recounted the story of a former stockbroker convicted of fraud crimes related to stock market manipulation as part of a penny stock scam. Leonardo DiCaprio...
What Rhode Island’s New Social Media Law Means to Your Business
Social media's surge in popularity has caused a sea change in how people act and behave, as well as the image they portray, whether intentionally or not. It didn't take long for employers to recognize social media as a useful tool to learn more about potential new...
When It Comes to Your Cell Phone, What Does Your Right to Privacy Include?
If you are one of the more than 90% of American adults who own a cell phone, consider for a moment what your device contains. Millions of lines of text? Hundreds of personal photographs? Your internet search history? Confidential or proprietary documents attached to...
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, we wrote about the legal concept of “force majeure” clauses found in some business contracts. A force majeure clause excuses a party from performing its obligations under a contract based upon some unforeseen and serious event such as a...
It is widely recognized that the system of corporate governance is a key approach to preserving and protecting an enterprise and its stakeholders by checks and balances among the board and officers of a corporation. Strong governance policies make it possible to...