PLDO Law Blog

Firm News

What is GDPR, You Ask?

Introducing the little-known (but hugely important) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  We know, we know. You’ve never heard of it. And, if you did hear of it, you don’t think it applies to your company, to your college, or to your work as a consultant. Well,...

Overcoming Obstacles to Success

If you are like me, you are always seeking tips on how to overcome challenges. When accelerating progress in your business and professional life, though, you want to avoid reinventing the wheel. We all know that entrepreneurs have vision; however, what sets them apart...

BIG DATA – Approach with Mindful Caution

The digital footprint we leave behind when we post, purchase or shop online are like the bread crumbs of our daily lives and behaviors. This trail creates a profile of who we are, what we do, what we like or dislike and so much more. In this video, PLDO Partner Brian...